Last weekend was bittersweet for us on Our Tiny Farm. Our longtime donkey friends, Faith, Hope, and Cory, left our farm. That was the sad part. But the happy part was their owners finally had their own new farm, barn, and paddock all ready and waiting for them.
Their new home is beautiful and the owners love having their ear longears right there with them. We all hope to stay good friends, too!
Initially our two donkeys were confused and kept looking for their herd. Then they were upset and didn't want us to even pet them. That made it interesting when we had to blanket them when it got so bitterly cold for a few days. But yesterday they decided we were all good once again.
If you need a loving home for your horse or donkey, just contact us. We take excellent care of our equines. Just ask these three!
We raise miniature donkeys. I am also an author, speaker, consultant, and faculty member at NC State University. Here you can read about life on our farm; learn to grow woodland herbs; view cute donkey pictures; and contact us about speaking/consulting engagements. We also, occasionally, hold donkey visit fundraisers for local non-profits. IF YOU ARE ON A SMART PHONE: CLICK “MOVE TO” RIGHT BELOW THIS TEXT TO VIEW OTHER PAGES OR "VIEW WEB VERSION" (BOTTOM OF PAGE) TO ACCESS MESSAGING.