The first honey extraction of the 2019 season took place yesterday, and Glen worked late into the night to bottle up enough to take to Obermiller's Strawberry Farm in Horse Shoe, NC (close to Hendersonville) for sale. Look at the cute little honey bears he made up! We will deliver it there later this morning. So come out and pick some strawberries and buy some Our Tiny Farm honey!
We raise miniature donkeys. I am also an author, speaker, consultant, and faculty member at NC State University. Here you can read about life on our farm; learn to grow woodland herbs; view cute donkey pictures; and contact us about speaking/consulting engagements. We also, occasionally, hold donkey visit fundraisers for local non-profits. IF YOU ARE ON A SMART PHONE: CLICK “MOVE TO” RIGHT BELOW THIS TEXT TO VIEW OTHER PAGES OR "VIEW WEB VERSION" (BOTTOM OF PAGE) TO ACCESS MESSAGING.