Onions, peas, potatoes, corn, broccoli. The wet lines in foreground are carrots.
What a great week for the gardens. We had steady, soaking rains earlier in the week and sunny, but not too hot weather for the past few days. Perfect weather for growing vegetables and working in the garden. The garden is looking particularly beautiful right now. We are excited to have a little time to keep up with it right now. We ate our first peas today. Broccoli is heading up nicely and the bok choy is coming on.
Peppers and a few tomatoes were just planted.
We got brave today and planted tomatoes and peppers. Brave? Yes, we could still get a frost up here in the mountains. But, we have few enough of the sensitive plants in that I'm sure we could cover them if we had to. We have eggplant transplants to set out, too, but won't plant them until we find the rowcover material. Planting eggplant under rowcover is the only way we have found that works to prevent flea beetle damage.

Dinner using garden fresh bok choy.
Hubby was a little concerned about what we were going to do with all the bok choy we grew. He likes bok choy, but doesn't know many ways to prepare it. So, using the first head we harvested this season, I made a bok choy salad with lots of red wine vinegar, sesame seeds, and ramen noodles. Chicken breasts with shiitake mushrooms, banana peppers (from last year's garden), and bok choy. And quinoa with cilantro, peppers, and onions. Yum!
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