Saturday, September 5, 2015

2015 Honey Crop is In-Available First at the Hendersonville Apple Festival!

Glen has worked long and hard to rebuild our hives after losing most of them, several times, to colony collapse. But the hard work and persistence has paid off and we once again have enough of a crop to offer it for sale to the public.

Our first sales are today at the Apple Festival in Hendersonville. Look for Glen representing Our Tiny Farm at the Henderson County Beekeepers Association booth. There you will also find a demonstration hive, bee suit, smoker, and sign-up sheet to get information about the next Bee School. Glen said the interest was high yesterday. Looks like we may have a whole new crop of beekeepers in 2016!
Apple festival picture from the NC Apple Festival website


  1. I would love to have been at that apple festival! I've been to the Waynesville Apple Festival several years ago. Just wondering if you know Bill Lord? He was the Franklin County Extension Agent for several years. He and his wife Sue both went to NC State. They are bee keepers and sell honey, "Woodleaf Honey" in the stores here and at the Wake Forest Farmers Market. Great people! (I may have asked you this before). I enjoy your posts.

  2. hello Henny Penny. Yes, I know Bill Lord! And sorry you missed the Apple Festival in Hendersonville. Maybe you can make it next year. And glad you enjoy the posts!
