Our 2016 garlic, shallot, and honey crops are packaged and ready for sale! We have German White and Spanish Roja garlic, Elephant garlic, Grey Griselle shallots, and Wildflower honey. But let me tell you a little about it all first.

This has been a very interesting growing season all across the country. Here in western North Carolina we had a mild winter and a long, dry spring. Since we have irrigation, that actually made for very good garlic and shallot growing. It remained dry right through harvest and the first few weeks of the drying season, as evidenced in the photo above. We were a bit surprised that the garlic was not as large as we expected it to be, but it was healthy and abundant. Then we entered a very long, hot, humid, wet period. The garlic was mostly dry, so we did not lose any to rot, but the damp weather caused some spotting and discoloration on the outer protective skin layers of the garlic. This has no effect on the cloves for eating or planting, but it doesn't look as pretty as we want it to.

Since we pride ourselves on providing the highest quality products we can, we are disappointed with this crop. But, we have learned that many other growers experienced a complete loss of their garlic crop or are now losing it in storage. We have had two seed companies ask to purchase our garlic because they are short. We also have a number of customers waiting for our garlic to go on sale. So we have decided to offer this garlic for sale but at lower prices than normal and with full disclosure of the defects. We are not a certified organic farm but for the past 14+ years we have only used products approved by the National Organic Program in our market garden. We practice strict crop rotations, build the soil with aged manure from our animals, and fertilize with fish emulsion, home made compost tea, and NOP approved packaged products when needed.
The Grey Griselle shallots look great and they are being offered at our regular price in eight ounce packages.
Although we continue to lose hives to a combination of issues, Glen is determined to continue raising bees and producing high quality honey. He now keeps hives at several locations and puts more effort into them than he ever has before. As a result, we do have a good honey crop and are offering it for sale on-line for the first time.
Here is What We Have for Sale:
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Note: There are very limited quantities of many of the selections offered below and they might sell out quickly. Unfortunately Paypal will not alert you to that until you try to check out the item. I will try to keep the selections updated but apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
Shipping: I
shopped around to get the best shipping rates which for the garlic and
honey is using a regional USPS regional priority mail box. The shipping
cost posted for each selection is a weighted average based on previous sales which are mostly to the East Coast.
Second Note: A customer shared that he had trouble checking out until he switched to Foxfire as his browser.
German White Garlic-SOLD OUT
The two photos below show our best German White Garlic. They do vary in size but the average diameter is about 2 inches. There are about 7 to 8 bulbs in a pound. Box A SOLD OUT has 30 bulbs and weighs about 4 pounds. Box B SOLD OUT has 29 bulbs and weighs about 4 pounds. Both boxes sell for $49.50 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $57.00 each.
The two photos below show the German White garlic with stained outer skins. Box C SOLD OUT contains 30 bulbs of varying sizes from 2 inches in diameter and less. There are about 9 to 10 bulbs per pound. The box weighs about 4 pounds. It sells for $36.50 + $7.50 for priority mail shipping for a total of $44.00.
The two photos below show our small German White garlic. Box D SOLD OUT contains 51 bulbs that are about 1 to 1.5 inches in diameter. There are about 12 to 19 bulbs in a pound and the box contains about 3 pounds. It sells for $25.50 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $33.00.
Spanish Roja Garlic-SOLD OUT
The two photos below show our best Spanish Roja garlic. There are about 9 to 10 bulbs per pound and the bulbs are of varying sizes but average about 1.75 to 2 inches in diameter. Box E SOLD OUT has 42 bulbs and weighs about 4 pounds. Box F SOLD OUT has 40 bulbs and weighs about 4 pounds. Both sell for $49.50 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $57.00 each.
The two photos below show our small Spanish Roja garlic. There are about 14 to 15 bulbs per pound and the bulbs are 1.75 inches in diameter and smaller. Box G SOLD OUT has 64 bulbs and weighs about 4 pounds. It sells for $36.50 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $44.00.
Reasonably Sized Elephant Garlic-SOLD OUT
Years ago, in response to our direct market customer requests, we began growing Elephant Garlic that was very similar in size to our German White Garlic. This remains popular with our direct market and online customers. The two photos below show our best Elephant Garlic, It is about 2 to 3 inches in diameter and there are about 8 to 9 bulbs in a pound. Box H SOLD OUT contains 30 bulbs and weighs about 4 pounds. Box I SOLD OUT contains 29 bulbs and weighs about 3 pounds. Box J contains 23 bulbs and weighs about 3 pounds. They sell for $37.00 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $44.50 each.

The three photos below show our off-color Elephant Garlic. It has a uniform yellow color on the outer wrapper leaves. The first photo shows a comparison of our best Elephant Garlic bulb next to an off-color Elephant Garlic bulb. The bulbs average about 2 inches in diameter and there are about 8 to 9 bulbs per pound. Box L SOLD OUT contains 35 bulbs and weighs about 4 pounds. It sells for $38.00 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $45.50.
The two photos below show our stained Elephant Garlic. The bulbs are firm and the cloves are fine but the outer protective layers are lightly stained. There are about 8 to 9 bulbs in a pound and they vary in size but are about 2 inches in diameter. Box M SOLD OUT contains 25 bulbs and weighs about 3 pounds. It sells for $25.50 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $33.00.
The two photos below show our small Elephant Garlic. The bulbs are less than 2 inches in diameter and there are about 11 to 12 per pound. Box K SOLD OUT has 47 bulbs and contains about 3.5 pounds. It sells for $32.00 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $39.50.
Grey Griselle Shallots
These are not your everyday shallots! These shallots have so much flavor! No wonder chefs love them so much. They are a bit pricey, which is why you should grow some of your own!The shallots have been cleaned off but not washed. We have learned that they store much longer that way. We are offering two sizes of Grey Griselle Shallots. The two photos below show the
Medium to Large Shallots. These are good for eating or planting. We prefer to use them for eating because it is easier to peel a few large shallots than a bunch of little ones. Box O
SOLD OUT has the medium to large shallots. Each box has 28 to 30 shallots and weighs about 8 oz. It sells for $13.50 + $6.80 priority mail shipping for a total of $20.30.
The two photos below show our
Small Shallots. These are the ones we use for planting each year. They are still fine for eating, too, it just takes more time to peel the little ones. Box P
SOLD OUT contains about 112 small shallots and weighs about one pound. It sells for $23.00 + $6.80 priority mail shipping for a total of $29.80.

Wildflower Honey
Our family, friends, and customers love our wildflower honey. The flavor is excellent and you can be assured that it is all pure honey. We can't control where our bees forage for food, but our farm is surrounded by woods and pastures full of clover and wildflowers. We are offering two sizes this year. A one pound plastic squeeze bottle and a half pound glass screw top jar. We can ship four one pound bottles in a box (so one shipping charge) or up to six half pound jars. The one pound bottle sells for $11.00 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $18.50. Two bottles would cost $29.50, three bottles $40.50, and four bottles $51.50. The half pound jar sells for $7.00 + $7.50 priority mail shipping for a total of $14.50. Two bottles would cost $21.50, three bottles $28.50, four bottles $35.50, five bottles $42.50, and six bottles $49.50.